A year in the life...

Along the Via Appia Antica
< Previous Dec 21, 2006 Next >

 - Along the Via Appia Antica - Techno-Impressionist Museum - Techno-Impressionism - art - beautiful - photo photography picture - by Tony Karp

I've always believed that if you have time to spend in a place like Europe, you should spend most of it in a single city, rather than hopping around from place to place, seeing little bits.

We spent two weeks in Italy, most of it in Rome. By the time we left, we felt like we had lived there, rather than just seeing it as tourists. We stayed in a residence hotel, which had several rooms, including a kitchen.

You also have more time to thoroughly explore the city. Here, we started the day at the baths of Caracalla, and then proceeded down the Appian Way.

Eventually, this turns into a road paved with large cobblestones that make it hard to travel, even on foot. Along this part of the road, actually the suburbs of Rome, are farms and large estates.

This scene shows the entrance to one of the estates. I intentionally overexposed to give it an ethereal quality.

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Copyright 1957-2022 Tony & Marilyn Karp