A year in the life...

Blue Madrileño
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 - Blue Madrileño - Techno-Impressionist Museum - Techno-Impressionism - art - beautiful - photo photography picture - by Tony Karp

This is another denizen of the Museo Arqueológico Nacional in Madrid. (Note: A Madrileño is someone who lives in Madrid.)

It's interesting that, for a place that we just popped into for a quick look, how many interesting pictures resulted from our brief visit. Perhaps the items in the more popular Madrid museums like the Prado and the Thyssen-Bornemisza are so familiar to most art lovers that they lose their uniqueness.

To make this fellow more interesting, I converted the picture to PostScript, so it looks like little patches of solid color. Then I added a thin white outline around each color patch. The final touch was to play around with the color, the contrast, and the tonal range.

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Copyright 1957-2022 Tony & Marilyn Karp